Have you wondered why social media, particularly Pinterest is so addicting? As it has been described as “ESPN for women,” just what is in the social media crack that has you clicking “Pin It” over and over again?
Here are three reasons why Pinterest thrives on social media addicts, especially during holiday season.
The Skinny
1. Visual media is the dangling carrot for web surfers 2. It saves time for party planners. 3. Do-It-Yourself ignites the excitement firework in your brain.
Taking it piece-by-piece let’s start with the first item:
Visual media
1. Visual media is the dangling carrot for web surfers
Let’s outline this statistically, shall we?
• 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual • The brain process visual information 60,000 times faster than text • 40% of people respond better to visual information than plain text
Wait… You mean to say….
How many of you scrolled straight to the infographic and started reading? My point exactly.
Crafty individuals like to show off their creativity. Pinterest is a perfect venue to do so. Especially since it allows for succinct and organized manner and as you can see, Pinterest is chalk-full of dangling holiday preparation carrots.

Saves Time
2. It saves time for party planners.
Most working professionals would agree the term “busy” is an understatement. Between dropping off the kids at summer camp, keeping up with a daytime job, maintaining household chores, and managing time to make it to the gym, making T-I-M-E to schedule a Fourth of July barbeque is challenging! The beautiful thing about Pinterest, is it helps expedite a lot of the “idea generating” process and helps you come up with a lot of creative ways to host a fabulous barbeque for everyone to enjoy. It may just have a zillion party planning templates for you to peruse through as well.
In relation to the Fourth of July, here are some of the top pins you may find useful:
- Fourth of July Crafts
- Fourth of July DIY Home Projects
- 29 Fourth of July Recipes Your Kids Will Love
- 100 Patriotic Ideas
- Fourth of July Outfit Ideas
3. Do-It-Yourself (DIY) ignites the excitement firework in your brain.
Question: Did any of you know the “mason jar” had so many uses prior to Pinterest? It seems like for every Do-It-Yourself project, there is some type of mason jar craft. I’m just sayin’.
According to Mashable’s story: Why Is Pinterest So Addictive, the “I can do that” factor plays a major role in Pinterest’s popularity gas tank.
Most Pinterest users that have gotten married, given birth, or tried inventing their own ways of organizing or “Mason Jar Ideas” are either cussing or praising the explosion of Pinterest. The main advantage to DIY Pinterest project is they are fun ideas that you can make on your own or save for a future time to make. Lastly, you don’t have to be a carpenter or an electrician to create some of these projects. Pinterest is basically your operator’s manual for creating cleverness on your own.
Your Turn
Why do you think Pinterest is so appealing?
Has a particular pin helped you save time?
Why is DIY taking over?