Category Archives: Business Insights

What’s so great about Albuquerque?

If you travel the U.S. for work or pleasure, you’ll hear people brag about where [...]

Person-to-Person Electronic Payment- Worth the Risk?

It’s hard to believe, but before technology drove every movement in our lives, we had [...]

‘Get to Know Your Customer Day’ Online

Many may not be too familiar with “Get to Know Your Customer Day,” which is [...]

Grocery Shopping in 2017, There’s an App For That

Grocery shopping, a cumbersome chore some do on a weekly or biweekly basis. It guides [...]

The Nike Pro Hijab and the Push for Inclusivity

Earlier last month, Nike announced the company will soon be releasing the Nike Pro Hijab. [...]

When NOT to ask a client for a testimonial

Client testimonials are an extremely important aspect of modern marketing for any business. Word-of-mouth has [...]

How to Avoid a Toxic Workplace

May is right around the corner, which means graduation ceremonies will be taking place and [...]

The Future of Virtual Personal Assistants

This past holiday season was the year of giving and getting virtual personal assistants. While [...]

2017 Digital Trend Predictions

Twenty years ago, the first social media site, launched. The site allowed users to [...]

New digital habits for the new year

This is the second in a series of LuckyTamm New Year’s Resolutions for 2017 You’re [...]