Two Fitness Brands Winning The Online Marketing Race

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Let me ask you a question. What comes to mind when you think of a fitness brand? For me, its Nike and Oakley, because everywhere I turn, they continue to kill it with their online presence.

So, what makes them so special?

Three things:

  1. Producing badass content that connects with the consumer emotionally
  2. Consistency of brand integrity, messaging, positioning, and innovation
  3. Embracing technology and digital trends

Allow me to break it down for you.


Mission: To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world. *If you have a body, you are an athlete.

Producing Badass Content That Connects With The Consumer Emotionally

Image Courtesy: Nike Facebook

Wow. Just wow. Every part of this image screams shameless World Cup plug tying it back to the brand. Check out that creative copywriting tagline, “They can predict everything but heart. #justdoit.”  Um, hello? Who doesn’t want to purchase a Nike pullover and watch the World Cup athletes lay it all out on the line?

If you build it, they will come… socially that is. And if you don’t provide content that is helpful, entertaining, or just plain awesome. They will go someplace else. Nike’s followers don’t seem to have that problem, though as their brand loyalty is shown in these numbers.

19M Facebook Likes

3.38M Twitter Followers

4,784,837 Instagram Followers

Consistency of Brand Integrity, Messaging, Positioning and Innovation

Image courtesy:

On their homepage they have broken it down to get you the content you want quickly and efficiently with their slideshow rotating images enticing you click on an image or leave you drooling over a new pair of kicks.

I don’t even know what a “Mercurial Revolution of Speed” is, but by the looks of it– those sexy shoes are going to give me superpowers. Plus, I can get them in bright orange with the customize option. Sold.

Image courtesy:
You may or may not be a big deal when your brand has 14 separate social media accounts. #JustSayin Image courtesy:

This is a valuable time to note they have always kept their logo tight, concise and consistent regardless of which product line they are promoting

Embracing Technology and Digital Trends

Nike+ Fuelband is now compatible with Android Image courtesy:
Nike+ Fuelband is now compatible with Android Image courtesy:

Within the last two years, the tech world has seen an explosion of wearable technology. Nike+Fuelband jumped onto the market just in time, as it is the fitness activity tracker that “records, connects, and inspires the wearer to just do it.” For $99, Nike+ Fuelband wearers can measure all activity from a night out on the town to a yoga flow. And it connects to your Android so you can see and share your progress in real time. How cool is that?



Mission: Oakley, Inc. is a sport and lifestyle brand, driven to ignite through the fusion of art and science.

Social following:

Facebook 2.3M

Twitter: 260K Followers

Instagram: 313,242 Followers

Producing Badass Content That Connects With The Consumer Emotionally

Image courtesy: Oakley
Image courtesy: Oakley

Hey, baseball moms and dads, every part of this email blast is screaming your name. You betta hurry up and purchase some quarter jacket shades specifically engineered for your little guy. Don’t worry, they will most definitely be overpriced and he will have the most swagger stepping onto the mound.  Ok, no, not really.

Can you believe this? I had to do a double take when this bad boy landed in my inbox. The same thing happened during my social media scroll, later that day.

Image courtesy:
Image courtesy: Oakley Facebook

Same image. They are just repurposing the content to fit their Facebook page. Brilliant? Absolutely. Now, if you ask me, a Little League kiddo probably should have to manage with some gas station shades, but if Oakley’s marketing team is looking to hit the parents with a little extra pad in their wallet, they nailed it.

Consistency of Brand Integrity, Messaging, Positioning and Innovation

Oakley Headquarters in Foothill Ranch, CA | Image courtesy: Oakley
Oakley Headquarters in Foothill Ranch, CA | Image courtesy: Oakley
Oakley Men’s Store releases Men’s bag, “Lunch Box,” $300.| Image courtesy: Oakley
Oakley Men’s Store releases Men’s bag, “Lunch Box,” $300.| Image courtesy: Oakley

The first picture is the entrance to Oakley Headquarters in Foothill Ranch, California. If you will notice, the entrance appears almost avant-garde or something from a Transformers movie. The same feel is achieved in the Men’s Bags with the molded cooler department. The thing that can be appreciated about this product is the resemblance and consistency of the design. All of Oakley’s products product lines continually match and look innovative, cool, chic, and trendy.

Image courtesy:
Image courtesy:

Embracing Technology and Digital trends

It’s been more than a year since Oakley Women launched its, “Made for More” campaign challenging women to be more active. The 39-year-old brand knew something had to change when the industry numbers showed fitness and apparel accessories at a $14 billion industry, and Oakley Women’s business accounts only accounting for 10% of its overall revenue. (Source: AdAge)

Made for More is a push for women to stop wearing fitness apparel because it’s comfortable and to start wearing it to workout.

// Strategically, Oakley Women married phrases with powerful images outlining the Oakley Women’s product lines. Some of the noteworthy copy comprises:

  • For exercising, not socializing.
  • I will wear this for running trails, not running errands.
  • Training gear, not trendy gear.
  • It’s not carpool chic.
Images courtesy: Oakley Women
Image courtesy: Oakley Women
Images courtesy: Oakley Women
Image courtesy: Oakley Women

In support of the campaign, Oakley Women embraced technology by partnering with Pandora to launch the Oakley Women Station with the images rotating on top of the songs. Pandora + Oakley Women = Amazingness. Who doesn’t want their favorite workout tunes coupled with their favorite workout brand? Match made in heaven.


So when you think of a brand, I hope it’s a powerhouse that makes you feel emotionally connected with their messaging, image, and technology. Both Oakley and Nike create the atmosphere of a house party where you and all your friends are invited.

Your Turn:

Which two brands are at the top of your list for producing badass content that makes you feel powerful when you purchase their products?

Why is it important for brands to continue to embrace new digital trends?

Additional thoughts/comments/questions?

Please note: This post was originally written for Focused To Be Fit, Fitness Blog. View Focused To Be Fit Here.  
